A Long Way Gone

What are the villages Ishmael traveled to?

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Ishmael was unaware of most of the villages' names. From the text:

We arrived at Kabati, my grandmother’s village, around two in the afternoon.

I do not know the name of the village that we were in and didn’t bother to ask, since I was busy trying to survive the everyday obstacles. We didn’t know the names of other towns and villages and how to get there. So hunger drove us back to Mattru Jong again.

As I looked at him that evening sitting on the verandah of a house in an unknown village, I wanted him to ask me if I was fine.

Kamator was very far away from Mattru Jong, where the rebels were still in control, but the villagers were on guard and ready to move anytime.

Sadly, I do not know the names of most of the villages that sheltered and provided me food during those times. No one was there to ask, and in those parts of the country there weren’t any signs that said the name of this or that village.


A Long Way Gone