A Long Way Gone

that night for the first time in my life, i realized that it is the physical presence of people and their spirits that give a town life. what prompts him to observe this? how old is he at the time? who are the 5 boys with whom Ishmael flees at the end of

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That night for the first time in my life I realized that it is the physical presence of people and their spirits that gives a town life.

Ishmael is prompted to observe this because the villagers had fled to hide in the forest, while he and his friends stayed behind. With the villagers gone, the village had lost its life force.... Ishamel saw the town as scary..... the nights darker than normal, and even nature stayed silent in fear and anticipation. At this time, Ishamel is only twelve years old. When he flees the village, Junior, Talloi, Kaloko, Gibrilla, and Khalilou accompnay him.

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A Long Way Gone