A Long Walk to Water

A Long Walk To Water

why did they shoot salva's uncle.

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I think they really shhot him for fun. Suddenly they hear loud voices and turn to see six men armed with guns and machetes approaching them.

The men order them to sit down and put their hands on their heads and everyone quickly obeys. One man walks up to Uncle. Salva can see his Nuer scars. The man asks if he is with the rebels and Uncle says no, that they are just going to the refugee camp.

The men tie Uncle to a tree and then start looking through the group’s possessions. Salva trembles but for the first time is happy he is so small, as no one will take his clothes. The men pick up Uncle’s gun.

Salva thinks they might leave since they robbed everyone. He hears the men laugh at Uncle, and three shots ring out. The men run away.