A House for Mr Biswas

Compare and contrast the character of Shama and Bipti in “A House for Mr Biswas.”

A house for mr. Biswas

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Shama is the wife of Mr. Biswas. He sees her in her family shop one day and writes her a note. Soon, he is made to marry her. Though they have little in common and do not even really like each other, she stays with him out of duty. She comes from a family of many daughters. The daughters are usually ignored and married to prospects simply because of their caste. She is apologetic throughout the novel for the aggression of her husband. ­

Bipti, Biswas' mother, remains a strange figure to him. They are rarely in touch because of his multiple vocations. Bipti is a weak character, who always tried to please her sister, Tara.


A House for Mr Biswas