11 September 2001

Ten Days in a Mad-House

Which of these inferences about Nellie’s fear of reporters is best supported by the text?

Answer choices for the above question

A. Nellie thinks that reporters will act cruelly and stare at her. B. Nellie has a strong distrust of the press. C. Nellie is paranoid about reporters due to her mental illness. D. Nellie knows that a reporter could reveal her true identity, since she is one herself. THE BOOK NAME -

Ten Days in a Mad-House (Chapter IV)

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D. Nellie knows that a reporter could reveal her true identity, since she is one herself.

I got very much frightened at this, for if there is any one who can ferret out a mystery it is a reporter. I felt that I would rather face a mass of expert doctors, policemen, and detectives than two bright specimens of my craft, so I said:

"I don't see why all this is needed to help me find my trunks. These men are impudent, and I do not want to be stared at. I will go away. I don't want to stay here."

So saying, I pulled down my veil and secretly hoped the reporters would be detained elsewhere until I was sent to the asylum.


Ten Days In a Mad-House.