
Show me, body paragraph all about the first argument in the thesis statement. Show me body paragraph all about the second argument in the thesis statement. Show me the body paragraph all about the final argument in the thesis statement.

Here's the text.

Additionally, it is important to make sure that the arguments are well balanced (Jones 55). This means that an equal amount of evidence is used for each argument, and that they take up roughly the same amount of space. This helps the reader see that all of your points are valid, not just one or two. It is important that all of your arguments are strong. No matter what way you choose to organize your paper, it is important that you include strong and valid evidence throughout. Using proper citations and resources throughout your paper helps to show the reader that you know what you are talking about. A paper with no citations, no matter how good the argument is, is not reliable because there is no evidence that the information is correct, or that anyone else also supports your opinions. Although it is important to include references to support your opinions you should not rely solely on using other people’s ideas. The best rule of thumb when using other sources is to use at least one per argument. Professor A.m suggests that: “you should always have support for your ideas, and paraphrase and quote effectively” (4). An essay that just pastes together other people’s words is ineffective because it doesn’t have any original ideas; and it is plagiarism! In college, plagiarism can be punished with failing the paper, failing the entire course, or even being expelled from school. Sometimes, even an honest mistake can get you into trouble. Making sure that your resources are used effectively and correctly will help not only with making your essay effective, but will be important to your college career!

The most effective essays start with a strong thesis statement, keep organized throughout the body, and include clear references throughout. A strong thesis statement that catches the attention of the reader and explains the topic, your opinion, and your evidence is the most important way to start an essay. Next, keeping arguments organized throughout the essay means that your reader would be able to understand your essay more clearly.

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Sorry, I'm reallu not sure what you are asking here.