Day 3

The Odyssey Lesson Plan

Discussion of Thought Questions

  1. 1

    Agamemnon warns Odysseus not to trust women. Why do you think this is?

    Agamemnon was killed by the schemings of his wife, and he seems to lay most of the blame on her even though he was killed by her lover. Agamemnon also mourns the death of his lover Cassandra, but doesn't acknowledge that she is a woman too and thus apparently untrustworthy. It seems that, to Agamemnon, Clytemnestra's greatest sin might be her betrayal.

  2. 2

    Alcinous decides that all his nobles must give treasure to Odysseus and says they should tax their subjects to pay for it. Do you think this is a fair way to govern?

    Alcinous does mention that his nobles are always in his house...

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